What we deliver

Knowledge & Experience
Using our extensive experience and knowledge and information which are not in the public domain, together with our negotiations skills we deliver continual, sustainable savings through best practice and reducing purchasing costs using our aggregating buying power. As we do not have to focus on day to day activities and firefighting like you do in running your company as you do, so we can focus on delivering you savings.

Through the use of our IT systems including Purchase-2-Pay / Procure-2-Pay (P2P), clients will save costs on their purchases and increase efficiencies within the procurement process.

What we bring to the table

Our expertise is in the things and areas that our clients do not have specialist knowledge in, or cannot easily do for themselves:


Market knowledge

tariffs, suppliers, seasonal changes, tricks of the trade, best practice


Experience across a wide range of industry sectors

retail, professional services, catering, construction, manufacturing, Local Authorities, Education, Housing Associations, NHS, repairs and maintenance and more


Increasing your Buying power

by utilising our large aggregated buying power across our client base we can help individual clients access significantly better pricing than they can achieve on their own


Objective view

not influenced by politics, vested interests or historical preference


Buy local

support your local economy and reduce your carbon footprint where relevant and appropriate


Skills and resources

we work with dedicated category specialists with current market knowledge and experience to source the best deals possible and help clients to deliver savings


Delivering Frameworks and Tenders

if you need to, working either with you to help with the process, or undertaking the process on your behalf


Providing Bid Support

if you need to, working either with you to help with the process, or undertaking the process on your behalf


Web Based Systems

increase efficiencies and save cost by using our online cloud based intuitive systems which are maintained and continually enhanced through our in-house development team.


Sustainable and continuous savings

We identify savings that don’t undercut your quality and are not just a one-off price reduction, but are repeated again and again.